Youri Egorov

Classical Pianist

Daily News

This program of fantasies may have been the greatest piano

recital I’ve ever heard - Bill Zakariasen

Chicago Sun-Times

Youri Egorov, pianist - A great virtuoso.

The kind of playing in which the beauty of sound is surpassed

only the beauty of thought behind it.

photo wim ruigrok © 1984

TAGS youri egorov pianist schumann mozart haydn piano van cliburn elisabeth

concours yakov zak kazan irina dubinina emi etcetera pavanne bach chopin fhr

records ambassador auditorium pasadena dhr wh001 biography otmar maga

Stereo Review

Youri Egorov - His sound is enormous – and gorgeous. The sweep

and spontaneity are breath-taking, the articulation incredible.

The New Yorker

Youri Egorov, pianist - The biggest and most poetical young

pianistic talent I have ever encountered.

Andrew Porter

How To Use This Website

Youri Egorov

pianist 1954 - 1988 Home of Youri Egorov

Limited CD

Van Cliburn 2CD

Previously unreleased

limited info

full website



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Youri Egorov

pianist 1954 - 1988 Home of Youri Egorov

Daily News

This program of fantasies may have been the greatest

piano recital I’ve ever heard - Bill Zakariasen

Chicago Sun-Times

Youri Egorov, pianist - A great virtuoso.

The kind of playing in which the beauty of sound is

surpassed only the beauty of thought behind it.

photo wim ruigrok © 1984

TAGS youri egorov pianist schumann mozart haydn

piano van cliburn elisabeth concours yakov zak kazan

irina dubinina emi etcetera pavanne bach chopin fhr

records ambassador auditorium pasadena dhr wh001

biography otmar maga

Stereo Review

Youri Egorov - His sound is enormous – and gorgeous. The

sweep and spontaneity are breath-taking, the articulation


The New Yorker

Youri Egorov, pianist - The biggest and most poetical young

pianistic talent I have ever encountered.

Andrew Porter

How To Use This Website

limited info full website



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